Changeable Day 


Changeable Day

Emma Sidney c.2000 All rights reserved

Changeable day
why did you choose to ever come this way?
It’s not the time I want to say to you,
but once again I find I’m at mercy to you,
changeable day.

Grey as the sky,
wonder why the rain outside is now in my eyes.
Is the mood I feel some reflected zeal?
I couldn’t tell you why but I’m falling down into this
changeable day.

There was a time I loved being in this place.
I felt that I had found my space to run wild and free in.
But it’s just such moments as these replace the immensity of space
with small dark fears and eyes full of tears.

Changeable day,
say you won’t go, I’ll still be happy
I don’t think you know
what pleasantries you may find in even such a grey day
as you.

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© 2018 All rights reserved by Emma Sidney | Layout by JSD